Why join COHOPE?


COHOPE is foremost an information dissemination group. In addition to the topics presented by various speakers from government, business and local organizations, its members have many years of experience in dealing with homeowner issues. They are more than willing to share that experience and support both members and non-members in helping on an issue, from rezoning to dealing with neighborhood issues.

Most homeowner groups (and homeowners) encounter the same problems, issues and concerns. At every meeting, delegates are encouraged to bring up questions, issues or concerns that affect the community as a whole.

Typically, representatives of the Sheriff’s Department, County Planning & Zoning, Foothills Park and Rec, and Jeffco Schools attend the meetings and give brief information reports and take questions.

We welcome any interested party to attend a meeting to see if they would be interested in joining or to bring up a community issue.


Dues Schedule: Per Year

Members At Large                   $20

(Individuals and  non-Homeowner Organizations )

Homeowner Organizations:    $40


Membership Application Form